School Council
Pupil voice is extremely important to us at Clanfield- we take it very seriously to help us drive changes across the school. Children are provided with numerous opportunities to partake in our School Council. Each member is elected by their peers in a democratic process, and then the School Council meet regularly to discuss key issues. Decisions made so far include:
- Agreeing and designing our shared school values in 2024
- Fundraising ideas for Comic Relief
- Raising money for a scooter shed
- Planning ideas to make lunch times a fantastic experience for all
- Organising a tuck shop by surveying items to sell at break times
Keep an eye on this web page to find out what changes the school council achieve next!
Year 3School Council Ash - Ruby W Oak - Codey Elm - Ike |
Year 4School Council Hazel - Lacey Cedar - Jackson Maple - Reuben |
Year 5School Council Aspen - Elodie Rowan - Maddison WIllow - Brody |
Year 6School Council Hawthorn - Maison Beech - Devyn |