At Clanfield Junior School, We aim to develop pupils who will be physically active and can actively participate in and enjoy a range of different physical activities. Through repeated opportunities to experience a range of sports, we hope to foster an interest in sport in general as well as specific sports which may develop into an outside interest for some children. These interests can be developed through after school clubs, which are delivered by CM Sports and members of staff. With a focus on children’s health, we aim to enables our children to increase and maintain their fitness, enabling them to remain physically active for extended periods of time and understand the importance of exercise in promoting long term health and well-being.
Physical Education sessions take place twice a week for 1hr and include both indoor and outdoor sports/activities. Indoor PE includes the required gymnastics and dance lessons, as well as fitness units during which the importance of physical activity for health and wellbeing is discussed. Outdoor games sessions include a variety of sports including handball and badminton, which are two sports that many of the children had previously not experienced.
Indoor PE is provided by a specialist sports company who provide objectives and planning for the indoor lessons they deliver. Outdoor games are taught mostly by class teachers and follows The Get Set 4 PE scheme. Teachers have been assisted by sports specialist who is employed using the PE Grant. This teacher also team teaches and provides continual professional development for our teachers within the school, providing support and exemplification of good practise.
To provide further, varied opportunities for Physical activity throughout the day, children have a timetabled afternoon activity break. During this break, they take part in a variety of activities on a rota system including ‘Mile a day’, Playground games, Supermovers and GoNoodle Dance. The varied activities on offer keep the children engaged and GoNoodle in particular is very popular, with high levels of participation in all classes throughout the school.
After school clubs offer children a further opportunity to develop skills in a particular sport and to continue with activity after the school day. These are delivered both by outside specialist teachers as well as school staff in some instances and are based on the children’s preferences. Where children show a particular interest or ability, links to outside agencies are provided
Enthusiasm and engagement can be seen through regular lesson observations where children are actively participating in the sessions. Wider engagement children are being given chances to participate in events during and after school such as Hampshire School Games, football tournaments and netball fixtures. Pupil conferencing also shows that children both enjoy the new sports being delivered and are learning new skills.
Attainment in PE is judged by teachers in Termly teacher assessments and these are carried out by visiting sports specialist teachers where appropriate.