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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


At Clanfield Junior School we embed inclusivity throughout our teaching and school culture. We cultivate an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated and every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential, developing both academically and personally. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN) provision is designed to ensure all children have equitable access to a rich educational experience.

Working in partnership with pupils, parents, carers and staff, we aim for the early identification of SEN needs and foster a personal and bespoke approach to providing for the individual needs of children. School staff, at all levels, have the knowledge and skills to support all children, including those with SEN.

Our core values ‘be kind, be respectful, be resilient and be curious’ are at the heart of our SEN provision, creating an enriching, supportive environment where every student can succeed, feel part of a caring school community and ‘Be the best that you can be!’

Please read our SEND Information Policy and SEND Policy for additional information on our approach to supporting the needs of children with SEND, in line with the Department for Education Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice, 0-25 years (2015).

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinators (SENDCO) are Mrs Kati Dawkins and Mrs Katie Pinhorne. Please make an appointment with your child's class teacher or with Mrs Dawkins or Mrs Pinhorne if you have any concerns about your child's progress.




Transition To Clanfield

Transition From Clanfield



Useful Links For Parents

Hampshire SENDIASS
Young Minds
Hampshire CAMHS
Family Hub
Hampshire carer network

School Nursing
Family Help
Family Information Services Hub
Local Offer;jsessionid=39621EE649F05B02ACE8FB488F24C953?familychannel=6
Hampshire Healthy Families Barnardos